1. 해물육교자는 가위를 이용해 잘게 자른다. 2. 그릇에 달걀, 소금을 넣고 풀어준다. 3. 잘 풀어진 달걀을 해물육교자에 부어 섞는다. 4. 팬에 식용유를 두르고 달군 뒤 약불에서 달걀물을 조금씩 부어가며 말아준다 5. 달걀말이가 완전히 익으면 알맞은 크기로 썰어 완성한다.
Gyoza dalgyal mari
6 eggs (5 large eggs) 5 seafood meat dumplings Fine salt Brown sugar 3 tbsp (21g) cooking oil
1. Using scissors, cut the seafood meat dumplings into pieces. 2. Beat the eggs in a bowl with salt. 3. Mix the beaten eggs with the seafood meat dumplings. 4. Add cooking oil to a pan, put the pan over low heat, and roll by pouring in the mixture to the pan a little bit at a time. 5. When the dalgyal mari is fully cooked, finish by slicing it into decent sizes.